


"5 Reasons We Still Love South Park"


"5 Reasons We Still Love South Park"
by Danny Spiegel of TV Guide (Oct. 2-8, 2006)


No taboos. While it may have all started with talking poo, it has gone on to tackle the touchiest subjects, from stem-cell research ["Kenny Dies"] to the Terri Schiavo case ["Best Friends Forever"] to Scientology ["Trapped in the Closet"]. "We never sit down and go, 'Who can we take on this week?'" Parker says. "Our job is to say, 'Here's this thing. What do you think about that?'"

タブーがない。サウスパークは下らないたわ言かもしれないが、最も敏感なテーマに取り組み続けている、幹細胞研究["Kenny Dies"]、Terri Schiavo事件["Best Friends Forever"]、サイエントロジー["Trapped in the Closet"]などがそうだ。「僕らは決して立ち止まらず突き進む。"今週は誰に行こう?"ってね」とパーカーは言う。「僕たちの仕事は"こんなものがここにありますよ、これについてどう思う?"って言うことだ」。

The animation rocks. Still reveling in its brilliant crudeness, the show's visual signature is unique in this Pixar-ish world. (And seriously, check out the depth of the backgrounds now as opposed to, say, Season 1.)


It reminds us how some kids really are. Let's face it, there's more than one "Cartman" out there. "Kids are so selfish," says Stone. "Part of being a kid is just being a big jerk."


They keep it current. It takes nine months for most animated shows to be produced, but South Park is done in six days thanks to a cohesive, veteran staff and a cutting-edge computer process. Their "Passion of the Christ" parody ["The Passion of the Jew"] aired only a month after the film was released.

流行に乗る。大抵のアニメは作られるのに9ヶ月くらいかかるものだけど、サウスパークは協力的な熟練のスタッフと、最新のコンピュータ技術のお陰で6日で完成する。"Passion of the Christ"のパロディ、["The Passion of the Jew"]も本物が出てから一ヶ月でオンエアされた。

It's still the same two guys putting it together. Parker and Stone have been there from Day 1 and their enthusiasm remains undiminished. "After 10 years," says Stone, "you look back and grudgingly go, 'Aw, OK, I'm kind of proud of that.' We've actually been through quite a bit. So... cool."
